Ron and Kim Harrison
The Five Rings educational model is a perfect fit for Ron with his more than 20 years in public education as a teacher, coach, counselor and administrator. He also spent more than 10 years as an international teacher trainer for many educator professional development programs. These experiences helped him develop strategies that not only educate but also “motivate” people to make the right financial decisions for themselves and their families. Based on some life-changing experiences of former students, he has a heart for Living Benefits. Another focus area is reaching “20-somethings” so they can avoid the regret of, “I wish I had started sooner.”
Kim brings her counseling and Life Coaching skills to Five Rings by helping people plan for a more secure financial future and she is very skilled at helping people get “unstuck”. She enjoys helping women succeed and is instrumental in growing and spreading Wine, Women and Wealth to empower more women. Her passion for helping people reach new levels is an asset to the Unlimited Success Agency as we grow throughout the country.
Ron and Kim are examples of how the Five Rings Model works. In 2011 Kim attended a Wine, Women and Wealth event and LOVED it. She then took Ron to Money 101, they became clients and joined the Five Rings Family as agents in 2012.